Successful Ridge-M™ launch at the IFAT Munich 2022

It was great seeing you again at the IFAT in Munich! Thanks for all the positive feedback and the interest you showed in the freshly launched Ridge-M™ membrane technology. Your response has proven to us that we are on the right track. Our experts were really happy to share the story firsthand with you and […]
Visit Berghof Membranes at the IFAT Munich 2022

The IFAT Munich is scheduled for 30 May – 03 June and Berghof Membranes will be present in Hall A3, booth #434. You don’t want to miss out on visiting us at the IFAT. We have exciting news to share. In fact, we will launch Berghof’s latest innovation during the show. Our brand new bio-inspired tubular ultrafiltration […]
Berghof Membranes expands with opening of Berghof Membranes Iberia office

We are excited to announce that Berghof Membranes is expanding. Recently we have opened our brand new Berghof Membranes Iberia office in San Sebastian, Spain. “The location provides a great hub between our sales and technology team and supports our international growth strategy”, says Eric Wildeboer – CEO of Berghof Membranes. An innovative ecosystem for […]
Berghof Membranes and Aquaporin welcome Wafilin Systems in joint membrane venture

To collect testimonies to their new, jointly developed Berghof Hyperflux(TM) and Aquaporin Inside® food-ready Tubular Forward Osmosis (Food TFO) membranes and ultimately commercialize them, Berghof Membranes and Aquaporin are welcoming Wafilin Systems in strategic alliance. Berghof Membranes, a leading German manufacturer of tubular membranes for the filtration and separation of process streams and wastewater, and […]
“LEAN is my passion” – An interview with Plant Manager Bernd Kayser

Standstill is a step back – this applies for production in particular. This is why Berghof Membranes has invested heavily in bringing the production process at our factory in Germany, to the next level.