AnMBR technology allows recovering energy from the food and beverage waste streams. For the high-strength F&B wastewaters (COD > 10 – 15 g/L) the anaerobic MBR is often the best choice. The Berghof tubular UF is coupled to a simple CSTR digester, allowing the operation with high OLRs (10 kg COD/m3·day) while producing a high-quality effluent. The Berghof membranes ensure the complete retention of the biomass within the anaerobic digester and bring a significant improvement in the digestion process, making it more robust, reducing the footprint, and increasing biogas production. In the F&B industry, Berghof AnMBR offers major advantages over other anaerobic technologies based on granular sludge, such as UASB and EGSB.
Increased biogas production due to the higher COD removal when compared with conventional anaerobic technologies. Energy recovery is maximized (average 3.7 kWh/kg CODremoved).
Ability to operate with the high TSS and FOG concentrations found in some F&B waste streams, in contrast with the granular anaerobic systems which are known to suffer degranulation under these conditions.
Better effluent quality: COD removals up to 98 – 99% and complete retention of solids, allowing the direct discharge after the AnMBR or the post-treatment with RO if required so.
The high-strength waste streams generated in food and beverage production are sent to the equalization tank. Here, chemicals are often required for neutralization, since the use of acid and alkaline products for cleaning and sanitizing results in a highly variable pH.
The tubular anaerobic MBR removes the organic pollutants in a single treatment step, producing renewable energy in form of biogas and a high-quality treated water. This effluent can be disposed into the sewer, although in some cases it even fulfills the requirements for water body discharge. Reuse is also possible after a reverse osmosis step.
Made in a state-of-the art LEAN-production facility, with highly-trained production personnel and materials of the highest quality.
With 50 years of experience and more than 2.000 projects worldwide, Berghof Membranes is the leading manufacturer of high quality tubular membranes.
To prevent fouling and clogging, Berghof Membranes developed its line of robust tubular UF (ultrafiltration) membrane modules based on inside-out crossflow filtration.
Berghof Membranes developed B-SMART®, a customizable external membrane filtration system that can be designed with various features and functionalities.
Bridging the gap between lab-scale testing and manufacturing. Piloting gives you the confidence to apply the technology for your specific wastewater challenges.
The B-CARE® program is an end-to-end comprehensive program developed to support our OEM partners from the piloting and engineering phase to operational system monitoring.
50 years of experience and more than 2.000 project references across the globe.
External AnMBR system in USA for dairy, one of the largest users of wastewater out of all major industries.
External MBR wastewater treatment system for a large malt producer in The Netherlands.
In China, a company manufactures 600K tons of sodium carbonate per year.
When it comes to membrane filtration, think outside the box and contact Berghof Membranes today.
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Agora 4, 8934 CJ Leeuwarden,
The Netherlands