Over the past five years, BMT has invested heavily in bringing the production process to the next level in order to further optimize delivery times and quality. The key to success has been the implementation and rollout of a sophisticated LEAN production management system led by former Head of Manufacturing Joerg Schlaier. But this is by far not all: This year, in an area of around 1,000 square meters, BMT has created, based on that system, a highly modern production area designed for optimum flow and the shortest possible walking distances. The next important milestone will follow in 2022: By the third quarter, a completely new state-of-the-art production line will also be built for the production of membranes, the heart of the filter modules. BMT is therefore very pleased that with the appointment of Bernd Kayser, an absolute LEAN expert and passionate production professional, we have found the right man to continue and refine the precious work of Joerg. Over the years of working for the automotive industry and later for a leading European brand in the field of hard flooring for hospitals, schools and retail chains, improving production processes has become more and more his passion. This is why Bernd has been dealing with LEAN management issues for a long period of time – and later decided to specialize as a LEAN Master Engineer. So today Bernd not only has great drive for technology and the manufacturing industry, but also for everything related to the LEAN philosophy. Therefore it is no wonder that he is really happy to be part of BMT now, where he is able to indulge all these passions in his new role as BMT‘s Plant Manager.
By contrast to Bernd Kayser, the new Head of Research & Development of BMT is a well-known person: BMT‘s long-time employee Gunther Bisle has taken over this function from Dr.Kimball Roelofs. He has been with BMT since February 2015 as a chemical engineer in the area of research and development and with his competence and experience, it is impossible to imagine BMT without him.
We are sure that Bernd Kayser and Gunther Bisle are exactly the right people to perfectly master the commissioning of the new membrane production machines together with the entire Production, Research & Development and Quality Management team.